I thought the video was very good. It showed how much kids enjoy and learn from doing things hands on and with dangerous objects. I think one of the important parts of the video and Tulley’s teaching was letting kids have the chance to work with dangerous objects, such as drills and hammers and things like that. The children seemed to love working with them, and also learn a lot. In the video the statement I remember most is when he said “success is in the doing, failures are celebrated and analyzed.” I think that is a very good way to teach, especially young kids, to teach them to just keep trying and if you fail o well you can make changes and learn from the mistakes. Many people can learn just from playing with things or fooling around, they end up creating something very unique.
One change that may interest kids or help them learn, would be to make more things hands on. Children seem to remember things much easier if they do it themselves and teach themselves, I would say that is the easiest way for me to learn as well. One of the most important things when being a child is teaching yourself how to do things, just figuring it out a way that fits you best, someone may do something totally different then you because they taught themselves in a different way.
I would say that I am a very visual type of learner, so for me being able to do things hands on or visually I would learn it a lot easier. It is much easier for me to take a test and do well on it when it was something I learned hands on or visually, rather than just on notes that I wrote down during a lecture.