I am really sick of hearing all the hype about Lindsay Lohan, if it were me I would put her in rehab and make her stay there or put her in jail, Instead of all of this in and out stuff. She was put in jail without a bail from one judge because she failed a drug test, 14 hours later another judge let her post bail. She was released from jail on a $300,000 bail. Just because she is a celebrity doesn’t mean she should just get to do whatever she wants. I know that if that was just a regular person with no fame, they would be sitting in jail. She has been caught for driving under the influence, doing drugs, and drinking alcohol when she isn’t supposed to be. I don’t think it’s right that she has a lawyer that can just get her out of jail, I know that is there job and all but she is breaking the law time and time again and she just gets a little slap on the hand for it. Lohan keeps asking for one more chance; well I think you should only be granted one more chance not like 5, because she obviously isn’t getting any better about her alcohol or substance abuse. Lohan’s father said in a court hearing that other people ruined his daughter’s life; personally I think she is the one doing it to herself. You can’t blame other people for what she is doing, yes maybe someone wanted to do some bad things with her but she could have said no. I don’t agree with him in saying it isn’t anyone’s fault but her own. Again I just think it is wrong that they are giving her so many chances and not just enforcing, she needs to be in jail or in rehab and there for a while until she comes clean. Because like I said earlier we know that if it was just some regular person they would be in jail and not able to be bailed out.
Lindsay Lohan is a saint. She has had a hard enough life, and doesn't need you commenting on it any more! :) Just kidding, she's a spoiled rich girl, who needs to go to jail. If anyone of us did the things shes done, we'd be in jail.